A blog on antiquities especially ancient manuscripts & coins, comparative religion, health and language. (Koleksi barang-barang antik terutamanya Quran antik & duit lama, perbandingan agama, kesihatan & bahasa )
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Ancient Manuscript Review 154 : Antique Ottoman Ferman Pre 1870CE Sultan Abdul Hamid II
This is a Government document in the Ottoman era called a Ferman. Written in Turkish some in black and some in gold. A Sultan Tugra is written in Gold. The Tughra definitely belongs to Sultan Abdul Hamid II ( 1842-1918CE)
I dont have much information of this kind of manuscript and its writing tradition. I need to do more research on this manuscript and will update this entry later.
Similar Ferman sold in Christie's auction for £1,250 last April 2015 in Auction 10428 Lot 349
Christie's Ferman
Manuscript Specs
Item : Antique Ottoman Ferman
Content : Unknown
Dim : 550mm x 250mm
Date : Pre 1870CE
Copyist : anonymous
Origin : Turkey
Calligraphy :
Design :
Market Price : £1,250
Purchased Price :US
Ancient Artifact Review 36 : Antique Somali Leather Prayer Mat ( 15th Century CE)
This is a very rare acquisition of a leather prayer mat from Somalia. I was told it is from 15th Century CE and been passed down though generations. This prayer mat is made of leather and had been sewn together from pieces.
The use of this skin prayer mat is very popular among the Sufis and religious people especially in Somalia and Etiopia. In a book, Islam in Etiopia written by J. Spencer Trimingham. he mentioned about the activity of Tariqa or Sufi movements in Somalia and Etiopia especially in 18th & 19th Century. During the initiation ritual between the leader of the Tariqa movement ( Khalifa) and the novice, one of the items that will be given to the new member is a Sijjada which is a piece of skin prayer mat which he carries about on his shoulder.
In the book : The Mad Mullah of Somaliland by
Douglas Jardine, there is a mention of an outcast tribe in Somalia
especially Midgan that making a leather prayer by cutting it in the
shape of the mosque at Mecca.
From FAO website, there are a few goat species in
Somalia whom skins are made into prayer mat. Haraghe Highland is the
small size goat that has main color of plain non spotted white and some
with black and brown. The prayer mat is called
Another species of goat is short-eared Somali (
Denghier) which has a medium size and widely used to make sleeping mats
and prayer mats. The color of the coat is mainly white 76 % with some
brown, black and grey.
In a writing to CNN, The author, Dr Cawo Abdi recollected her memory of sitting on her father’s prayer mat made from goat skin somewhere in central Somalia whom they belonged to Nomadic hamlets.Her father was a Quranic teacher that teach children from hamlet to hamlet.
There is a similar mat displayed in British museum . It was acquired in 1935. Below is the link
Somali Prayer Mat In British Museum
In a video clip from Somali Museum Minnesota, the founder was shown referring to similar mats as prayer mats aged more than a hundred years ( at 7:42).
Somali Museum Minnesota
Artifact Specification
Dim : 124cm x 65cm
Date : 15th CE
Material : Skin
Origin : Somalia
Monday, January 26, 2015
Ancient Artifact Review 35 : Antique Indo-Persian Islamic Talismanic Iron Nails (19th Century)
These are 4 iron nails inscribed with Quranic verses from Indian/Persian region. These square-sided nails are made of iron with one end is sharp whereas the other end is blunt.
It is typical for houses especially in Northern India and border to Persia, these nails were driven normally at the corners of the building with the purpose of providing protection from evil spirits.
In an auction of Sotheby's London in its 'Arts of the Islamic World', October 13, 2004, similar nails were estimated of £6,000-£8,000.
Dim : 140mm x 10mm
Date : 19th Century CE
Material : Iron
Origin : Indo Persian
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Ancient Manuscript Review 153 : Antique Malay Quran Manuscript 18th Century
This is a beautifully written
Quran manuscript originated from South East Asia. This is a complete Quran without any missing pages. This manuscript is written in Malay-Naskh
calligraphy in black ink on Dutch beige paper 15 lines to a page. Brown leather binding beautifully embossed in a floral design.Some pages are loose, water stained and torn with fraying edges.All headings are written in red with every “ ayaah” or verses are separated by small red circle.
The borders of the pages are ruled with red ( inset) and black ( outset).About 200+ leaves ( 400+ pages). This Quran is undated but we estimated it from 18th century based from the watermark on most of the pages. The watermark bears the words Concordia Res Parvae Crescunt ( Through concord little things grow) and a crowned lion, a typical theme used by VOC Dutch ( 1603-1800CE) during occupation in Indonesia. I
acquired this manuscript from a friend in Indonesia in 2014.
Manuscript Specs
Item : Antique Malay Quran
Manuscript Content : Quran
Dim : 33 cm x 21 cm x 3 cm
Date : 18th century
Copyist : anonymous
Origin : South East Asia
Calligraphy : Malay - Naskh
Design : Written in Malay-Naskh scripts in red & black
Purchased Price :US
Manuscript Content : Quran
Dim : 33 cm x 21 cm x 3 cm
Date : 18th century
Copyist : anonymous
Origin : South East Asia
Calligraphy : Malay - Naskh
Design : Written in Malay-Naskh scripts in red & black
Purchased Price :US
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Ancient Manuscript Review 152 : Antique Arabic Legal Document 1306AH ( 1888CE)
This is I believe a legal document written in Arabic. There is an embossed seal on top page and a dated inked seal just on the top of the first line. The date written in Arabic 1306 AH which is equivalent to 1888CE . I couldnt decipher the content which is written in Riqaah script in black. I dont remember the origin of this document probably Egypt.
I dont have much information of this kind of manuscript and its writing tradition. I need to do more research on this manuscript and will update this entry later.
Manuscript Specs
Item : Antique Legal Document
Content : Unknown
Dim : 660mm x 305mm
Date : 1306 AH ( 1888CE)
Copyist : anonymous
Origin : Probably Egypt
Calligraphy : Riqaah
Design :
Purchased Price :US
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Ancient Manuscript Review 151 : Antique Print Map of Holy Kaaba 1879CE illustrated by Ali Bey
This is a print map dated 1879 of an Islam Holy Kaaba.
This illustration was made by Ali Bey who lived from 1766 - 1818 CE.
No one really know who he is. American Encyclopedia identified him as Domenech Badia i Leblich born in Barcelona Spain and used the name Ali Bey Al Abbasi in order to be a spy and infiltrate Muslim community and Muslim sacred places.
Proficient in Arabic language and travelled a lot to Muslim countries including Saudia Arabia.
Below what I found from Wiki :
Ali Bey al-Abbasi (علي باي العباسي), was the false name/pseudonym that Domènech Badia i Leblich (Barcelona; Spain, 1766 – Syria 1818), a Catalan explorer and spy in the early 19th century, used for several years in his travels to North Africa and the Middle East. Notably, he witnessed the Saudi conquest of Mecca in 1807.
After receiving a liberal education, Badia devoted particular attention to the Arabic language, which he studied in Valencia and London, and made a special study of the manners and customs of Arabian lands. Under the name of Ali Bey al-Abbasi, pretending to be a descendant of the Abbasid Caliphs of the West, and in Muslim dress, he spent two years (1803-5) in Morocco on terms of high favor with the emperor. He then went to Mecca, at that time in the possession of the Wahabites, ostensibly to perform the hajj. On his way there, he stopped in Tripoli, Cyprus, and Egypt. On his way back, he stopped in Jerusalem and prominent places in Syria, and reached Constantinople in the autumn of 1807.
In Constantinople, Badia was for the first time suspected of not being a real Muslim. He fled, and returning home in 1809 entered the public service in Spain under King Joseph Bonaparte, on whose expulsion he was forced to leave the country. He published his account
There was much mystery about Ali Bey when the account of his travels was published under this name. Bankes, writing in 1830, roundly asserted that he was a Jew, and many later writers have thought that he was a genuine Muslim of Moroccan origin, but of Spanish education. Actually he alleged to be a Muslim in order to enter
In 1816, a version of his account in the English language was published: Travels of Ali Bey : in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, between the years 1803 and 1807.
In 1818, he set
A street in Barcelona (career Ali Bei) is named after him.
Manuscript Specs
Item : Antique Print
Content : Print Map of Holy Kaaba
Dim : 115mm x 90mm
Date : 1879 CE
Copyist : Ali Bey
Origin :
Purchased Price :US
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Ancient Manuscript Review 150 : Antique Malay Maulid Manuscript 18th Century
This is a malay manuscript on praises and prayers for Prophet Muhammad (SAW) written in Arabic with translation in Javanese. Acquired from Indonesian contact in 2014. Undated but it is estimated from 18th Century due to its written on oriental paper.
Manuscript Specs
Item : Antique Malay Manuscript
Content : Maulid of Prophet
Dim : 215mm x 170mm
Date : 18-19th century
Copyist : anonymous
Origin : Indonesia
Calligraphy : Malay
Design : Written in Malay scripts in red & black in Arabic & Javanese language
Purchased Price :US
Friday, January 2, 2015
Ancient Manuscript Review 149 : Antique Hebrew Jewish Law / Arba'ah Turim Manuscript 18th Century
This is a part of Jewish Law ( Hallacha) or Arba'ah Turim written in Hebrew. . Undated but estimated from 18th Century. Two of four laws are covered in this manuscript Orach Chayim & Yoreh De'ah
Below info I got from Wiki:
Arba'ah Turim (Hebrew: אַרְבַּעָה טוּרִים), often called simply the Tur, is an important Halakhic code, composed by Yaakov ben Asher (Cologne, 1270 – Toledo, Spain c. 1340)
It consists of four divisions ("Turim");
- The four Turim are as follows:
- Orach Chayim - laws of prayer and synagogue, Sabbath, holidays
- Yoreh De'ah - miscellaneous ritualistic laws, such as shechita and kashrut
- Even Ha'ezer - laws of marriage, divorce
- Choshen Mishpat - laws of finance, financial responsibility, damages (personal and financial) and legal procedure
Orach Chayim (אורח חיים) "manner of life" is a section that treats all aspects of Jewish law primarily pertinent to the Hebrew calendar (be it the daily, weekly, monthly, or annual calendar).
Orach Chayim deals with, but is not limited to:
- Washing the hands in the morning,
- Tefillin (phylacteries)
- Tzitzit (ritual fringes),
- prayer,
- Sabbath,
- Festivals,
- Torah reading in synagogue.
Jacob was an influential Medieval rabbinic authority. He is often referred to as the Baal ha-Turim' ("Master of the Rows"), after his main work in halakha (Jewish law), the Arba'ah Turim ("Four Rows"). The work was divided into 4 sections, each called a "tur," alluding to the rows of jewels on the High Priest's breastplate. He was the third son of the Rabbi Asher ben Jehiel (known as the "Rosh"), a Rabbi of the Holy Roman Empire who moved to Castile. Besides his father, who was his principal teacher, Jacob quotes very often in the Turim his elder brother Jehiel; once his brother Judah (see Tur Orach Chaim, § 417), and once his uncle Rabbi Chaim (ib. § 49). According to many, Jacob moved to Castile with his father and was not born there.
Some say Jacob succeeded his father as the rabbi of the Jewish community of Toledo (Zacuto), while others say his brother Judah ben Asher did. His brothers were also rabbis of different communities in Iberia. He lived in abject poverty most of his life, and according to The Sephardic Community of Chios, is said to have fallen ill and died with his 10 companions on the island of Chios, in Greece, whilst travelling.
Manuscript Specs
Item : Antique Hebrew Arba'ah Turim manuscript
Content : Orach Chayim & Yoreh De'ah
Dim : 160mm x 115mm
Date : 18th Century
Copyist : ??
Origin : ??
Calligraphy : Ibrani / Hebrew
Design :
Purchased Price :US