A journey to search my soul

This is a blog of my personal collections. The purpose of this blog is to educate myself and public in regards to antiquities especially related to religion and calligraphy. I welcome everyone to input their feedback in this blog which they think would be helpful. I do not watermark the photos in this blog so everyone is free to use them as long as they are not used for illegal and unethical reasons. I appreciate if you could notify me if you plan to use any of the photos here. Enjoy browsing!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ancient Manuscript Review 46 : Antique Mughal Sancak - Lithographed Mini Quran ( 1290 AH)

This is a rare lithographed octagonal miniature Quran from India with 631 pages. Originally I posted this entry as an Ottoman Sancak as it was purchased from Turkey and the seller claimed it was Ottoman's product.

However after an inquiry from one of visitors here in regards to the origin of this Quran, I have done more research on this interesting Quran. He has a similar Quran in this website Omanisilver.com Mini Quran
On the colophone page of my Quran here, it was written

قد حصل الفراغ هذا القران المجيد وفرقان الحميد من يد اقل الكتاب محمد جواد في المطبع الحيدرية في سنه ٠ ٩ ٢ ١

"The copying of this Quran Al Majid and Furqan Al Hamid in the hand of Muhammad Jawad produced in Hyderiah Printing House in the year 1290 "

I was not aware of who was this copyist Muhammad Jawad and where was this Printing House identified as Hyderiah.
In the OmaniSilver website, similar Quran was commented by expert from Yale University believing it was a product of Iraq or India.

From a book " Al Quran The Sacred Art of Revelation" published by The Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia, it has a similar Quran with the same copyist but in a longer name and printed  in 1293 AH publication. See below the snapshot of this book.
The full name of the copyist given as Muhammad Jawad Ibn Mulla Muhammad Musa Kashmiri which I believe the same copyist of the Quran in this entry. The title Kashmiri indicated the copyist originally from Kashmir. The printer house was mentioned as Hyderiah however The IAMM identified it Hyderabad.

Manuscript Specs

Item : Antique Mughal Lithographed Mini Quran
Content : A complete Quran
Dim : 2.25" x 2" x 1"
Date : 1290 AH ( 1869 CE)
Copyist :Muhammad Jawad
Origin :  India
Calligraphy : Naskh
Design : 15 lines written in Naskh
Purchased Price :US


  1. Hi,

    I have an almost identical koran on my website www.omanisilver.com

    My Koran was "found" in the palace of the Sultan of Zanzibar" after the British had bombarded it.

    Do you have any information about the printer Muhammed Cevad in Hayadari? Is Hayadari in Turkey??

    I cannot find any information on this printer. Also were is Hayadari located?

    I assume these miniature korans were worn as an amulet n the arm in a silver box.

    Regards, HvW

    1. Dear,
      Thanks for your comment which has prompted me to do more research and rectify my entry. Your Quran is very similar to mine. I believe Hyderiah is in Hyderabad. Common sense is that the people of Hyderabad is called the Hyderi. Hence most likely the Hyderiah printer house was in Hyderabad. Check my revised entry which I have posted a snapshot info from a reference book on similar Quran.
      I have no knowledge if this Quran was originally encased in a silver box or used an amulet. Hope it is helpful.

  2. Asalamulaikum, what is the Hadya for this Quran please? Is it available? If not I'm in search for an antique one, so please do guide me and give me an idea of what the hadiya may be.

    Jazak Allahu Khairun.
