A blog on antiquities especially ancient manuscripts & coins, comparative religion, health and language. (Koleksi barang-barang antik terutamanya Quran antik & duit lama, perbandingan agama, kesihatan & bahasa )
A journey to search my soul
This is a blog of my personal collections. The purpose of this blog is to educate myself and public in regards to antiquities especially related to religion and calligraphy. I welcome everyone to input their feedback in this blog which they think would be helpful. I do not watermark the photos in this blog so everyone is free to use them as long as they are not used for illegal and unethical reasons. I appreciate if you could notify me if you plan to use any of the photos here. Enjoy browsing!!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Coin Arrival
Today just received my coin purchased from Ebay. Its coin from era Constantine I. I will post the picture later and a bit of history behind this ruler. This is a prominent ruler who shaped the Christianity.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Ancient Manuscript Review 07 : Antique Handwritten Muhammadiah - Sufism ( 970 AH / 1562 CE)
This is a manuscript on Muhamadiyah ( Sufism). Written by Hafiz Abdul Rahman Musa and copied by Katib Mahmud bin Haji Ahmad in 970AH ( 1562AD). it is a complete manuscript written in nice Naskh script. Dim 210 x 150mm. This is one of the oldest manuscripts in my possesion. With a gold illuminated miniature in one of the pages, making this manuscript priceless. Brown leather cover. Origin Middle East. The leather binding is recent but from another old manuscript cover. The original cover of this manuscript is hardcover and not leather. I had the binding replaced during my visit in Istanbul in 2010.
Ancient manuscript,
Ancient Coin Review 28 : Heraclius - Byzantine Emperor ( 610-641 CE)
This is Heraclius-Small Follis from Constantinople A bronze follis, 18mm, 3.40 grams, of Heraclius, struck at Constantinople 627/628 AD. Heraclius, his young wife (and niece!)Martina and his son standing facing, each wearing crown and chlamys and holding globus cruciger in right hand.
Large M, monogram to left, regnal year 18, (gamma)/CON. Sear, Byzantine Coins,808, Dumbarton Oaks 102. Fine, brown patina. Overstruck on an earlier half follis.
The coin was minted struck during the time of Heraclius, the famous Byzantine emperor. He has been ruling from 610 -641 AD. He lived during the time of Prophet Muhammad (saw). On 628 AD, Prophet Muhammad (saw) has sent him a letter inviting him to Islam. Unfortunately he refused but treated the letter with respect. In contrast to King of Persia, Khusro Parwez who ripped off similar invitation letter from the Prophet sent in the same year.
Byzantine emperor (r.610-41) who came to the throne in a period of crisis precipitated by Avar and Persian invasions. Reorganization of the military administration enabled Heraclius to drive the Avars out of the Balkans and the Persians out of Syria, but only after enduring a siege of Constantinople in 626. By the time of his death in 641, Greek had replaced Latin as the empire's official language and the Byzantine period had begun.
575 AD : Heraclius was born to Carthage & Epiphania
608 AD : Heraclius led a troop to Constantinople to curb rebels
Joined force with his cousin, Nicetas. Captured Cyenaica and Egypt.
Phocas beheaded.
610 AD : Became emperor on October 5th.
Married to Fabia and had a daughter, Eudocia & a son, Heraclius Constantine.
612 AD : Wife, Fabia died of epilepsy.
613 AD : Heraclius married his niece, Martina.
His marriage was never received favourably by his people or the church.
King Chosroes of Persian, launced series of attack on Byzantine Empire.
Heraclius lost Damascus to Persian.
614 AD : Persian invaded Jerusalem, destroyed the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and captured the Holy Cross.
619 AD : Persian invaded Egypt
Heraclius signed a peace treaty with Avars of West.
622 AD : Heraclius started a campaign of expanding Byzantine territory. Invaded Armenia and several Persian territories.
626 AD : Persian attacked Constantinople from east with Avars, Slavs & Bulgars from west. Heraclius defeated the enemies.
627 AD : Heraclius defeated Persian at Nineveh.
King Chosroes was deposed and his son, Kavadh-Siroe signed treaty with Heraclius.
628 AD : Prophet Muhammad (saw) sent Invitation letter to heraclius.
“In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. This letter is from Muhammad the slave of Allah and his Apostle to Heraclius, the ruler of the Byzantines. Peace be upon him who follows the right path. Furthermore, I invite you to Islam and if you become a Muslim you will be safe, and Allah will double your reward, and if you reject this invitation of Islam you will be committing a sin by misguiding your subjects. And I recite to you Allah's statement:
“O People of the Scriptures! Come to a word common to you and us that we worship none but Allah and that we associate nothing in worship with Him, and that none of us shall take others as Lords beside Allah. Then if they turn away, say: Bear witness that we are Muslims (those who have surrendered to Allah). (Qur’an: Surah 3, Ayah 64).”
630 AD : Heraclius travelled to Jerusalem and returned the Holy Cross to the city.
634 AD : Khalid Al Walid invaded Syria & defeated Theodore, Heraclius’s brother.
636 AD : War of Yarmuk occurred on 20th August resulted in a Muslim Victory.
638 AD : Heraclius supported Monotheletism ( by Sergius ) and put an edict known as Ekthesis in the narthex of Hagia Sophia. Opposed by the Orthodox, the Monophysites and Church of Rome.
641 AD : Heraclius died and left the throne to his sons Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas, to rule jointly with Martina.
Ancient Coin Review 27 : King Khusro II - Sassanid Empire ( 591-628 CE)
Date ......... 591-628
Ruler........... Khursu II
Condition.............. gF-VF
Mint Mark................ Gl
Province.............. Guey
Regnal year.............. 37
Approx. diameter............. 1 - 1 1/8 inches
Approx. weight in grams............... 4 grams
HWSRWD = Khusro (Name of the ruler)
Ideogram GDH
Word PZWT means “ Khusro, may his splendour increase”
AFD in outer margin means “Praise”
GD = Guey ( a mint city in Isfahan )
HPTSYH = 37 ( Regnal year)
The coin was minted in 626 AD during the time of Khusru II ( known as Khusro Parveez by the Arabs), the great Persian Emperor ( Iran ). He ruled Persia from 591 – 628 A.D. During the his invasion of Palestine from Roman, he seized the Holy Cross and brought it to Persia. He was also the one whom tore the “daawa” letter from the Prophet Muhammad (saw) in 628 AD in arrogance. Not long later he was defeated and his reign banished.
Sassanid Empire
Family name of the dynasty that rules Iran from 224-642 AD. They claim to be descended from the ancient Persian empire of the Achaemenids (559-330 BC).
Family Background
Khusro was the fourth son of Hormouz IV and the grandson of Khusro I ( Anushirwan The Just ). Due to some political situations, he had to flee from his country and Rome’s older King had helped him at that time and kept him like a son. Khusro II was married to the King’s daughter. He ascended the throne after the murder of his father in 591 A.D.
According to Tabri, Khusro II was the most prudent far-sighted emperor of Persia. Deeds of valor, exploits of victory, abundance of wealth, stroke of luck and favourable circumstances had so bunched up during his reign. It was for these reasons that he came to be known as Pervez which meant victorious in Arabic. ( Tarikh Tabri, Vol. II, (Egypt) , p. 137)
The reign of Khusro II was characterised by the wasteful splendour and lavishness of the court. He was so fond of amassing wealth and artefacts. In the 13th year of his reign, he had 830 million Mithqals of gold in his exchequer.
591 AD : Enthronement of Khusro Parvez as Chosroes II after the
death of his father Hormouz.
604 AD : Started campaign to invade Byzantine.
611 AD : Heraclius offered a peaceful treaty with Khusro but the
latter rejected.
614 AD : Captured Damascus, Iraq and Jerusalem. He stole Holy Cross
from Jerusalem and brought it to Ctesiphon. Permitted Jews
to rebuild Temple Mount
625 AD : Heraclius invading Sassanian territory.
628 AD : Prophet Muhammad (saw) sent Daawa letter to Khusro. The
letter was torn and thrown. (The letter was dispatched
after returned from Hudaibiah Treaty in Zulkaedah 6H/628 AD)
628 AD : Imprisoned and killed by his son, Shiroe
Events in 626 AD ( 4H/5H)
- Bilal Ibn Harithe (RA) brought 400 people from Banu Muzeena to
prophet to embrace Islam. ( Rejab 5H)
- Hussain (RA) birthday on 5th Syaaban 4H ( 9 Jan 626 AD)
- Battle Banu Mustalaq and ayat of Tayamum was revealed on 2nd
Syaaban 5 H (26 Dec 626 AD)
- Prophet married to Ummu Salamah in Syawal 4H ( March 626 AD)
- Ghazwah Zatur Raqa’ on 10th Muharram 5 H
- Ghazwah Dumatul Jundal on Rabiul Awal 5 H
Monday, July 18, 2011
Ancient Manuscript Review 06 : Antique Handwritten Prayer Manuscript from Mali Africa ( 17th Century)
This is a small prayer book written in Arabic. No title but the content consists of some Quranic verses and prayers. Undated but probably late 17th century to early 18th century. Origin from Mali Africa.
Similar manuscript can be found in British Library in below link
Mali Manuscript in British Library
Ancient Manuscript Review 05 : Antique Handwritten Malay Prayer Manuscript ( 18th-19th century)
This is a small prayer book written in Arabic and Malay. No title but the content consists of some Quranic verses, teachings on Islamic practices and prayers. Undated but probably late 18th century to early 19th century. Origin from Malaysia or Indonesia. However from the book IlluminationsThe writing Traditions of Indonesia, the first page illumination is very much similar to manuscript written from Aceh ( page 87 - 91).
Item : Prayers Manuscript
Content : Selective prayers
Dim : 5.5" x 4" x 0.25"
Date : 19th century
Copyist : anonymous
Origin : Malaysia/Indonesia
Calligraphy : Malay Script
Design : 9 lines written in Malay script without border
Purchased Price :US
Manuscript Specs
Item : Prayers Manuscript
Content : Selective prayers
Dim : 5.5" x 4" x 0.25"
Date : 19th century
Copyist : anonymous
Origin : Malaysia/Indonesia
Calligraphy : Malay Script
Design : 9 lines written in Malay script without border
Purchased Price :US
Ancient manuscript,
Malay Manuscripts
Indian-Persian Qurans
Alhamdulillah. Today I acquired 6 pieces of old handwritten Quran from my Pakistan dealer. Each and every one of them has different design and illumination. I have paid for 2 of them but the rest I have to make some installments. They are so old yet beautiful.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Ancient Coin Review 26 : Kelantan Sultanate Pitis ( Sultan Muhammad IV - 1900 - 1920 CE)

This is a tin coin from Sultan Muhammad IV era of Kelantan Sultanate. He became the sixth sultan in 1900 CE. During his reign, the transfer of Kelantan to the Straits Settlements Government in 1909 has caused the issue of all pitis or keping discontinued.
Circular tin coin ( pitis / keping) under the rule of Kelantan Sultan Muhammad IV( 1900-1920 CE) minted in 1321AH = 1904 CE.
Obverse : Belanjaan Kerajaan Kelantan = Currency of Kelantan Govt.
Reverse : Duriba fi Dhul' Hijja Sanat 1321 = minted in Dhul Hijja year 1321 AH
Weight : 3.60 gm
Dim : 21mm
Rarity : Common ( ref SS24 pg 225)
Ancient coins,
Coins from Kelantan
Ancient Coin Review 25 : Kelantan Sultanate Pitis ( Sultan Muhammad IV - 1900-1920 CE)

This is a tin coin from Sultan Muhammad IV era of Kelantan Sultanate. He became the sixth sultan in 1900 CE. During his reign, the transfer of Kelantan to the Straits Settlements Government in 1909 has caused the issue of all pitis or keping discontinued.
This is a quite scarce coin as I havent seen a lot of them in the market. I have seen though a lot of counterfeit coins and even used to have one of them. It looks alike as in SS22 with 4 dots in place of cross.
Though this coin is listed as common in Krause catalog but an expert in Zeno.ru said in regard to this ,
"Krause catalogue is absolutely useless reference for Malay islamic coins. Prices there are also just random. Many of coins there are drastically overvalued, while even more are critically undervalued. Besides, many of these "common" coins are impossible to locate."
Circular tin coin ( 10 keping) under the rule of Kelantan Sultan Muhammad IV( 1900-1920 CE) minted in 1321AH = 1904 CE.
Obv: Belanjaan Kerajaan Kelantan Sepuloh Keping,10 = Currency of the govt Kelantan Ten Keping,10
Rev:Sunia fi Dhul Hijja Sanat 1321= Issued in Dzul Hijja year 1321AH
Weight : 13.90 gm
Dim : 31mm
Rarity : Scarce ( ref SS21 pg 223)
Ancient Coin Review 24 : Kelantan Sultanate Pitis ( Sultan Mansur - 1891 - 1900 CE)

This is a tin coin from Sultan Mansur era of Kelantan Sultanate. He became the fifth sultan in 1891 CE.
Circular tin coin ( pitis / keping) under the rule of Kelantan Sultan Mansur( 1891-1900 CE) minted in 1314AH = 1896 CE.
Obv:Adim Mulkahu Belanjaan Kerajaan Kelantan = Permanent be the prosperity of the currency of the state of Kelantan
Rev:Sunia fi jumadal Awal Sanat 1314= Issued in Jamadil Awal year 1314 AH
Weight : 4.90 gm
Dim : 29mm
Rarity : Common ( ref SS14 pg 221)
Ancient coins,
Coins from Kelantan
Ancient Coin Review 23 : Kelantan Sultanate Pitis ( Sultan Muhammed II - 1838-1886 CE)

This is a tin coin from Sultan Muhammed II era of Kelantan Sultanate. He became the second sultan in 1838 CE.
Circular tin coin ( pitis / keping) under the rule of Kelantan Sultan Muhammed II ( 1838-1886 CE) minted in 1300AH = 1883 CE.
Obverse : Dama Sama Mulka Daulat Kelantan =Permanent be the prosperity of Kelantan
Reverse : Duriba fi Jumada'l akhir sanat 1300=Minted in Jumada'l Akhir year 1300AH Weight : 3.80 gm
Dim : 28mm
Rarity : Common ( ref SS11 pg 220)
Ancient Coin Review 22 : Sultan Ahmad ( Samudra-Pasai Sultanate 1270-1295CE)
This one of earliest small coins or masakas during the time of Sultan Ahmad.
Obv : Ahmad Abdul "Wahid ?"
Rev: AsSultan Al Adil
Weight, g: 0.30
Size, mm: 6
Date: 15th century
Denomination: 1/2 kupang or Masakas
Ancient Coin Review 21 : Sultan Abdullah ( Pasai Sultanate 1501-1513 CE)
Indonesia, Pasai Sultanate situated north of Sumatera Abdullah Malik Az Zahir reigned from 1501-1513AD.
Pasai, also known as Samudera and Samudera-Pasai sometimes called Samudera Darussalam was a Muslim harbour kingdom on the north coast of Sumatra from the 13th to the 15th centuries CE. It was believed the word Samudera derived from Samudra meaning ocean in Sanskrit. According to Hikayat Raja-raja Pasai, it was said Merah Silu saw an ant as big as a cat, he caught it and ate it and he named the place Samandara. King Merah Silu later converted to Islam, known as Malik ul Salih, he was the sultan in year 1267 CE.
The Portuguese occupied Pasai in 1521, 10 years after their conquest of Malacca. Through the Portuguese, the place become known in Europe as Pacem.[2] Later, the Acehnese took control of Pasai.
Obv: AsSultan Al Adil
Rev: Abdullah Malik AzZah
Weight, g: 0.61gm
Size, mm: 10mm
Date: 1501-1513AD
Denomination: Kupang
Ancient Coin Review 20 : Sultan Abu Zaid ( Pasai Sultanate 1412 CE)
Indonesia, Pasai Sultanate situated north of Sumatera island. type gold Mas of Sultan Abu Zaid Malik Az Zahir reigned from 1412AD-??.
Obv: AsSultan Al Adil
Rev: Abu Zaid Malik AzZahir
Weight, g: 0.61gm
Size, mm: 10mm
Date: 1412AD-??
Denomination: Kupang
Ancient Coin Review 19 : Sultan Salahudin ( Pasai Sultanate 1290-1297 CE)
This is a gold coin of Salahadin who reigned Pasai Sultanate 1290 -1297 CE. He didnt bear the title Malik Az Zahir because he was the vice Sultan in Samudra Pasai under his older brother Ahmad.
Pasai, also known as Samudera and Samudera-Pasai sometimes called Samudera Darussalam was a Muslim harbour kingdom on the north coast of Sumatra from the 13th to the 15th centuries CE. It was believed the word Samudera derived from Samudra meaning ocean in Sanskrit. According to Hikayat Raja-raja Pasai, it was said Merah Silu saw an ant as big as a cat, he caught it and ate it and he named the place Samandara. King Merah Silu later converted to Islam, known as Malik ul Salih, he was the sultan in year 1267 CE.
Obv: Salahudin
Rev: AsSultan Al Adil
Weight : 0.61 gm
Dim : 10 mm
Date : 1290-1297 CE
Rarity : RRR
Denom : Kupang
Material : Gold
Reference : SP 3 pg 146 ( Jaarboek Voor Munt-en Penningkunde)
Ancient Coin Review 18 : Sultan Zainal Abidin ( Pasai Sultanate 1383-1405 CE)
Indonesia, Pasai Sultanate situated north of Sumatera island. type gold Mas of Sultan Zainal Abidin Malik Az Zahir reigned from 1383-1405AD.
Obv: AsSultan Al Adil
Rev: Zainal Abidin Malik AzZahir
Weight, g: 0.61gm
Size, mm: 13mm
Date: 1383-1405AD
Denomination: Kuapng
Ancient Coin Review 17 : Sultan Ahmad ( Pasai Sultanate 1346-1383 CE)
Indonesia, Pasai Sultanate situated north of Sumatera island. type gold Mas of Sultan Ahmad Malik Az Zahir reigned from 1346-1383AD.
Obv: AsSultan Al Adil
Rev: Ahmad Malik AzZahir
Weight, g: 0.61gm
Size, mm: 10mm
Date: 1346-1383AD
Denomination: Kupang
Ancient Coin Review 16 : Sultan Mansur ( Samudra-Pasai Sultanate 1297 CE)
Indonesia, Pasai Sultanate situated north of Sumatera island. type gold Mas of Sultan Mansur Malik Az Zahir reigned from 1326 AD-??.
Obv: AsSultan Al Adil
Rev: Mansur Malik AzZahir
Weight, g: 0.59gm
Size, mm: 10mm
Date: 1326 AD- ??
Denomination: Kupang
Ancient Coin Review 15 : Sultan Muhammad Malik AzZahir ( Aceh Sultanate 1297-1326CE)
Indonesia, Pasai Sultanate situated north of Sumatera island. type gold Mas of Sultan Muhammad Malik Az Zahir reigned from 1297-1326AD.
Obv: AsSultan Al Adil
Rev: Muhammad Malik AzZahir
Weight, g: 0.60
Size, mm: 10
Date: 1297-1326AD
Denomination: 1 Kupang
Ancient Coin Review 14 : Sultan Muhammad Jiwa Zainal Shah II (1710-1773CE)

This is silver 1 Real from Kedah.
Kedah became an Islamic Malay State circa 12th century. It was also known as "Sang Lindung Bulan" which means the shadow of the moon.
Obv : BiBalad Kedah Darul Aman 1154AH ( State of Kedah the abode of peace year 1154 AH)
rev: Sultan Muhammad Jiwa Khalifatur Rahman
Weight : 3.05g
Size : 18 mm
Date : 1154AH ( 1741CE)
Ref Saran's : SS12
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Ancient Manuscript Review 04 : Antique Sudanese or Sub Saharan Quran ( 1005 AH)
This is a handwritten Quran acquired from Africa in 2008. From the design & calligraphy, this Quran most likely from Sudan or West Africa. A similar Quran was sold in an auction in Christie under Sale 4795/ Lot 397 for USD3824.
A recent auction in Christie's an undated 19th Quran similar to this was sold for USD7680 under Sale 11007 / Lot 353 / Oct09,2015 in London.
Scroll down to see the full spec.
The thing that make this Quran interesting is its unique calligraphy typical African & one of the oldest Qurans in my possession ( about 500 years old). Its dimension is 230x170mm. This Quran is nicely written with some African motive decorating some of the pages. Its written in sepia sudani script on unbound leaves.
Interesting to note that there is some pages with strange symbol as below. Is this a Talisman? I have seen similar symbols on my other Quran from Yemen and Somalia.
Quran Specs :
Complete Koran
230 x 170 mm
Decorated Hardcover binding
Clear Sudani script in black ink without bordeer
Vowels and diacritical signs are in red
African Motive on some pages
Copiyst : Yusuf Muhamad Burhan
Date : 1005 AH ( 1596 CE)
Market Price : USD6,000 - USD10,000
Ancient Manuscript Review 03 : Antique Ottoman Quran (1282 AH)
This is an old Ottoman handwritten Quran dated 1282 AH (1865CE). Acquired from Istanbul in 2005.
Manuscript Specs
Item : A handwritten Ottoman Quran
Content : A complete Quran
Dim : 7" x 5" x 1"
Date : 1282 AH ( 1865CE)
Copyist : Hafiz Ahmad Sakuti
Origin : Turkey
Calligraphy : Nasqh
Design : Text written in Nasqh script on cream paper with vowel & diacritical signs in black & red. 15 lines per page with floral ornaments in margin.The first 2 & the last pages are illuminated & gold gilded.
Purchased Price :USD
Ancient manuscript,
Antique quran,
Ancient Coin Review 13 : Patani-Kelantan Sultanate ( 16-18th Century)

This is kijang gold kupang from kelantan-Patani circa 16th-18th century
Obv : Kijang deer facing left with tail pointing down . A crescent moon and sun above
rev: Al Adil
wt : 0.63gm
dim : 10.5mm
Ref Saran's : RR (SS58)
Ancient coins,
Coins from Kelantan
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
too many things to do but too little time
I took few minutes today to ponder on how I have so many things to do and to achieve in this life but not sure if remaining life would suffice to get through with all of them. My time management is suck and my procrastination is cancerous. At this moment prioritization is the key. Insyallah Allah will open up for me a way to utilize my conscience to the utmost capability. Ameen
Ancient Coin Review 12 : Patani-Kelantan Sultanate ( 16-18th Century)
Ancient Coin Review 11 : Patani-Kelantan Sultanate (16-18th Century)
Monday, July 11, 2011
Ancient manuscript Review 02 : Mini handwritten Quran

This is a mini handwritten Quran acquired from Lebanon in 2008.
Scroll down to see the full spec.
The thing that make this Quran interesting is its small hexagonal size. Its dimension is 30 x x 35 mm. This is a rare piece. This Quran is nicely written in black ink and heading in red. At the end of the page , the name of the copiyst is stated but I couldn't decipher it due to its small writing. The date is 1050 AH (1640CE)
Quran Specs :
Complete Koran
30 x 35 mm
red leather binding
Clear Naskhi script in black ink with red headings
Copiyst : Indecipherable
Date : 1050 AH ( 1640 CE)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Ancient Coin Review 10 : Sultan Alaudin Riayat Shah - Johor Sultanate (1527-1564 CE)
This is a gold coin from Sultan Alaudin Riayat Shah era. He was the son of the last Malacca Sultan, Sultan Mahmud Shah who fled from Malacca after the invasion of Portugese. He became the first ruler of Johor Empire in 1527CE.he set up his capital at Johor Lama situated on the Johor river. He promoted foreign trade and was able to attract a fair amount of commerce. However Johor was captured by Acheh in 1564CE and became its vassal state until the collapse of the Acheh Empire in 1641CE.
Octagonal gold coin ( Mas) under the rule of Johor Sultan Alaudin Riayat Shah 1 ( 1527-1564AD).
Similar coin was sold for SGD3000 ( USD2200) in Lot 189 in
the Collectibles Auction Asia (CAA) Auction 5/2015 held on 18 April 2015 at
Landmark Village Hotel, Singapore.
Obv: Sultan Alaudin
Rev: Khalifatul Mukmin
weight : 2.50gm
Dim : 16mm
Rarity : RRRR ( ref SS1)
Market Price : USD2200
Aceh Gold Coins
My another obsession is Aceh-pasai gold coins. I am watching some coins listed in Ebay tonight. Though I have already almost 100 aceh-pasai coins in collection, yet I am very much tempted to bid those other coins in Ebay. Especially the bidding price is still low, around USD15 each but never know people like to bid last minute and the price might sky rocket within last few seconds. I wont bid high ( still indecisive) as I think the market price for this gold coin should be around USD40-USD60. This is based on my previous buyings. However the current market should be on the high end due to the rise of gold price and the effect of Tsunami in previous year on Aceh. If I were to bid on this coin I would just cap it at USD35 each and no more. It is good to have some doubles, but I wont pay so much for it.Good Luck!!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Ancient Coin Review 09 : Sultan Mahmud Shah II - Johor Sultanate (1685-1699CE)
This is a gold coin from Sultan Mahmud Shah II era. He became the ruler of Johor Empire in 1685CE. He is the last Johor Sultan with Malacca Royal Line. He was murdered leaving no heir. His death is famously called " Mangkat Di Julang". Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia relating this tragedy.
"According to the book Tuhfat al-Nafis, in 1699, during the reign of Sultan Mahmud Shah II, pirates were storming the shores of southern Johor, from Mersing to Pulau Penyengat and Riau. Laksamana (Admiral) Megat Seri Rama, known as Laksamana Bentan, named after his origin, Bintan Island, was ordered to stop the menace. He left behind his beloved wife, Dang Anum, who was heavily pregnant, while he went to stop the pirate attacks.
His absence presented an opportunity to a former palace officer, who was jealous of Megat Seri Rama, to plot against him. Wan Anum eagerly craved a piece of jackfruit, taken from the palace orchard, that was on its way to be presented to the Sultan. The penghulu or the head of a sub-district, who was sending the fruit to the palace sympathised with Dang Anum. He stole a piece of jackfruit and gave it to Dang Anum. The Sultan, who noticed that the fruit had been cut, before he tasted the fruit, was so angered with the penghulu's action. His thoughts were also poisoned by the jealous palace officer who said that Dang Anum's action had obviously brought shame to the Sultan, leaving the Sultan to eat the rest of the fruit after her. The sultan ordered the women to the palace for punishment. Desperate for her life and the child she bore in her belly, Dang Anum told the sultan that the fruit that she ate was for her child. The Sultan asked for proof and the woman's belly was cut, and the child was seen with the piece of the jackfruit.
The murder was kept secret to all the palace inhabitants. Laksamana Megat Seri Rama discovered the murder of his wife and child when he returned from the war. He decided to seek revenge. On one Friday afternoon, during the Friday prayers, while the Sultan was lifted up (julang) by his men, he was ambushed and stabbed to death by the Laksamana. Before he drew his last breath, he cast a curse which forbade the sons of Bintan to touch the grounds of Kota Tinggi for eternity. If not, all of them will vomit blood to death. The Laksamana died as well as the sultan. Sultan Mahmud Syah, known then as Sultan Mahmud Mangkat Dijulang, was buried in Kampung Makam, Kota Tinggi, while Laksamana Megat Seri Rama at Kampung Kelantan, also in Kota Tinggi. To this day, people[who?] still believe that the curse still exists and most Bintanese still feared to come to Kota Tinggi. (Other versions of this story state that the curse lasts merely seven generations.)"
Octagonal gold coin ( kupang ) under the rule of Johor Sultan Mahmud Shah( 1685 - 1699 CE).
Obv: Sultan Mahmud Shah
Rev: Khalifatul Mukmin
Weight : 0.62 gm
Dim : 12mm
Rarity : RR ( ref SS16)
Ancient Coin Review 08 : Sultan Ahmad Bin Mahmud Shah - Malacca Sultanate (1510CE)
This is a very rare tin coin from Sultan Ahmad Bin Mahmud Shah era. He was the son of the last Malacca Sultan, Sultan Mahmud Shah. He hold the throne temporarily for few months during the abdiction of his father.
Circular tin coin ( pitis) under the rule of Malacca Sultan Ahmad Bin Mahmud Shah (1510 CE).
Obv: Ahmad Ibnu Mahmud Shah
Rev: Al Sultan Al Adil
weight : 2.48gm
Dim : 22mm
Rarity : RRR ( ref SS9)
Ancient Coin Review 07 : Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah III - Johor Sultanate ( 1623-1677CE)
This is a gold coin from Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah III era. He became the ruler of Johor Empire in 1623CE.
Octagonal gold coin ( kupang ) under the rule of Johor Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah III ( 1623 - 1677 CE).
Obv: Sultan Abdul Jalil Shah
Rev: Khalifatul Mukmin
Weight : 0.64 gm
Dim : 13mm
Rarity : common ( ref SS14)
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